Hello all! The journey continues. We left Summit North Marina on 10/2 and sailed to a river on the northeastern corner of the Chesapeake Bay called the Sassafras River. Several people had told us about it's beauty and fine anchorages so we decided to check it out. We weren't dissappointed. We anchored for the evening in a small cove approximately 2.5 miles up river. The shoreline which bordered the cove was all farmland and the holding and protection from all directions was excellent. The farm land actually turned out to be part of a museum of a restored 18th century tobacco plantation. Our friends on Far Niente joined us in the late afternoon for refreshments and we turned in early to get an early start to Annapolis as gale warnings were posted for the afternoon of 10/3. We were underway at 6:30am and reached the Chesapeake around 7:15. It was really rolling and we took quite a beating until we turned to a southwesterly course putting the wind and the waves on the stern.
Running from the weather |
Dalliance was making between 9 and 10mph on the GPS and we arrived at the Chesapeake Bay bridge at noon. You can see the bridge for hours before passing under it. We've included some pictures for this unique view of the bridge.
Sassafras River Sunset |
We entered the harbor at Annapolis and proceeded up Spa Creek to the lift bridge. From our many trips to the boat show by land we hoped we could pick up a city mooring just inside the lift bridge on Spa Creek. The mooring gods were good to us and we picked up #52 a little after 1pm.
At Last!! |
We plan to stay in Annapolis through the boat show and leave the morning of the 12th. Rob and Sue called us from the Hudson River having left Castleton Boat Club last weekend. Weather permitting they'll be in Annapolis before we depart and we'll get together for vittles and grog.
Bay Bridge looking East |
Bay Bridge looking West |
Spa Creek lift bridge |
Every time I crossed the Bay Bridge I wondered what perspective boats had of it and who was on those boats. Now I know! Keep up the great job - love to read your journal entries and love, love, love the pictures. The adventure of a lifetime to my way of thinking.